About Daniel
Daniel Moody is a Creative Coach and Songwriter.
His mission is to help others Know and LOVE THEMSELVES, so they can Be Creative Again.
His diverse background as a Fatherhood Coach, Photographer, Yoga Teacher, Performer gives him a deep well to draw from to guide other's through their self limiting beliefs in order to find their authentic voice and offering.
My Story.
I use to be an angry and resentful teen parent, stuck inside self limiting beliefs, suffering from anxiety and depression. I felt trapped inside my life, my body and my mind.
Then life, my wife, my family made me wake up and take responsibility for my emotions and conditioning. I studied Yoga, Meditation, Men’s Coaching and Groups, and slowly I began to transform with a daily practice of reconnecting to myself and my vision for the future.
Now I get to use my skills as a Songwriter, Photographer, Yoga Teacher to help other Men and Women be creative again, fully accept themselves and take full responsibility for their lives.
My Background
As a Songwriter I’ve written hundreds of songs of my own, with talented artists, and with everyday people to help them express their truth. I came from a family of rock stars, Grammy award winners, models and actors.
I studied to become a Yoga Teacher at the renowned Circle Yoga Shala in the Ozark Mountains of NW Arkansas.
I learned men’s coaching and group facilitation from Dan Doty, founder of Evryman, and am currently a facilitator for Father’s Fire.
I’ve lead workshops, retreats, online groups all around getting out of our heads and into our bodies through creative expression.
My Method
I use songwriting as a vehicle for transformation. Together we explore your past, bring healing attention there, and I help you capture your feelings in lyrics.
Working with me…
You will bypass self limiting beliefs, overcome the critic, and just write freely.
You will learn to trust your inner voice and stop comparing yourself to others.
You will learn what to do with challenging emotions like Anger and Grief.
You will learn the recipe for feeling gratitude and joy.

Now I wanna hear your story. Reach out and we’ll connect.